Ronald Stöferle of Incrementum And the “In Gold We Trust” report and Egon of Matterhorn Asset Management, discuss at the Precious Metals Summit in Munich, Germany, the massive risks of the world’s financial system.
The two precious metal experts, share their view about how to deal with the profound downside threats and its implications for the global economy, further:
- Global financial risks have never been greater
- How to analyse and understand the very severe downside prospects we face
- Endgame started with dire implications for stocks, real estate, debts and politics
- Gold 7th sense of the financial markets, sniffed out early recessionary and inflationary warnings in the recent up move
- Central banks panic mode statements hint at the rotten nature of the world’s financial system
- Central banks are on a gold buying spree to prepare for a new currency system
- European banks are totally bankrupt, helicopter money and MMT are guaranteed
- First innings of a bond market implosion, skyrocketing interest rates and inflation to follow
- Negative bond yields result in guaranteed losses. Liabilities will never be repaid
- Huge rush into Gold about to start, as it hits the front pages
- Financial and psychological preparations are absolutely key